THANK YOU ALL who participated ZOO Club 2023, 8Bit Flea Market, Hat Trick Tournament and Zoo Club evening event! In all the whole day had an audience of ca. 250 individuals.
Thanks also to Jangler and Mayor for the DJ shows and to all the sellers & buyers at the ATK-Market.
HAT TRICK tournament was a success. Total of 19 players contributed the qualifications in 2 blocks running through double elimination brackets. Few hours later there was only 4, but then it was time for short break, maybe some food, definetly more drinks! After refreshments the game was on again, the semifinals was best 2 out of 3 and the final match was hand wringing best 3 out of 5, which lasted all 5 games, with double overtimes. So the final matchup was huge, almost 20 minutes of magic hockey trickery. Few photos and video from the tournament below.
THE WINNER IS: Jonni Rainisto / Paskasoft Prods
THIRD PLACE: Barfly / Extend
Photos by Electric & Hani